Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Taking a breather

Not much to say today. I know I promised impressions of the event on Friday with the Governor of Pennsylvania, but I've been so busy lately that I just don't have time. Damned paper was harder to finish than I thought it would be. Still, I rather enjoyed writing it, after the fact; I learned quite a lot about coping skills, spirituality in older adults, and sexuality of older adults, including some stuff that would make a layperson blush. Soon I'll go back and edit into a second draft, but for now, time to waste some more time.

Good news: Bayada Nurses contacted me a couple of days ago about joining their ranks. I just have to do the paperwork, attend orientation, pass the med calculation exam, and hope like hell they still like me afterwards. Sure, I won't be making as much as I was before, but then again, I'm not going to be working full time, either. With any luck, I'll get this job, and I'll finally start living my dream of doing home care.

Anyway, not too many worries about money on my end. Sure, Bayada is offering per diem work, but with the demand for home care nurses at the level that it is, I don't think I will be having too many dry spells. Also, I've started tutoring again, this time independently, and having a blast. Worse comes to worst, I still have my other license to fall back on.

Oh yes, Michael Moore's SiCKO comes out on DVD this coming Tuesday (November 6). If you haven't seen it yet, you really should. Yeah, I know it's Michael Moore, the d00d that right-wingers love to hate because he "exaggerates" so much, and is a "big, fat, stupid white man". Still, even if he does exaggerate for effect, and some of the details could have used a little more vetting, the larger message - that our health care setup is broken, and serves the very few rich at the expense of the many who aren't rich - is still valid.

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