Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Homeland security? Pfft, don't make me laugh.

So, get this, U.S. Homeland Security is building a big-ass wall a little bit north of the U.S.-Mexico border in order to keep out undesirables, right? Makes sense - it worked for Imperial China way back in the day, right? So, uh, why the hell are there going to be gaps? Isn't the idea of sacrifice for security in a democratic society that everyone contributes, rich and poor, average schmoe and politcally connected? Why do Eloisa Tamez and Daniel Garza get punked by the bureaucracy while the River Bend Resort and the Hunt's get away unscathed? Inquiring minds would like to know.

Oh yeah, another reason Homeland Security is a fucking joke. Why now? Why not right after the second plane hit the World Trade Center and continuing on through today? And, yes, I'm aware that Amtrak and Homeland Security are administered through different government agencies, but the point is that both are part of the government. They should coordinate security better.

And now for something completely different. Castro resigns as el Presidente de Cuba. He's outlasted eight U.S. presidents and almost outlasted el Arbusto. Go figure, Bush's one true positive accomplishment might just end up being President while Castro retires from office.

Check out Fresh Air with Terry Gross on NPR later. A religious scholar (Update: Bart D. Ehrman, author of Misquoting Jesus) who is a former Christian like me, talks about his new book (Update 2: called God's Problem) about the nature of suffering, how it is explained in the Bible, and why those explanations are unconvincing bullshit. Should be a good listen.


Ernie said...

dude.. not a comment on this post but in general.. clicking on your blog now gives a "content warning" because some people have reported to google that your blog contains objectionable content..whoa.. you have hit the big time in a short amount of time..craziness.

Brother J said...

Oh, no, I haven't really hit the big time - I just enabled an option in the Dashboard that warns potential visitors to the blog that there is some adult content here. That message is the generic warning that results. Which is absolutely true, BTW; I have a tendency to use language that most people would not consider kosher. In fact, there's an entire post which is nothing but swears, and very creative swearing too, if I don't say so myself. (You might have to go back a few pages to find it; I've been very prolific lately.)